Iván Silva

Free Venn Diagram Creator

Posted by in Communication, Education, language arts, Literacy, venn diagram creator

See on Scoop.itKB…Konnected’s Kaleidoscope of Wonderful Websites!
Free Venn Diagram Creator from ReadWriteThink. Students can save and print results. Nice Tool!

See on readwritethink.org

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20 things PR clients should know

Posted by in Advertising, Communication, Communications, Derivations, Public Relations

20 things PR clients should know By Elizabeth Friedland Refill the cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and know youre not alone. 1. No, we don’t know every journalist everywhere across the universe—not that it matters. Even journalists whose weddings we were in will turn down our pitches occasionally. 2. A good publicist doesn’t have to be based in New York or Los Angeles to be effective. Ever heard of this crazy thing called email? 3. Few things actually warrant a press release … 4. … And a creative…read more


Fotolia TEN COLLECTION to introduce its 5th digital artist + Free PSD for 24 hours

Posted by in Communication, Communications, Marketing, Media

Fotolia is set to introduce their latest addition to their TEN COLLECTION, it will introduce the work of digital artist, Joolz. The series is set to bring together “the best of digital art, graphic resources and education.” With the collection, Fotolia aims to let image enthusiasts fine-tune their knowledge and skills by giving away free access to the source files of the world’s top digital artist. Their “making up” video is up and an interesting piece to watch for some insight on the artist and this addition. TEN Collection by…read more


Cultural and social misunderstanding, how stereotypes have there way, pt 2

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

In the context of intercultural interaction and communication stereotypes, ethnocentrism and prejudices are the contributing factors of intercultural conflicts and misunderstandings. Misunderstanding occurs when we project cognitive similarities, our assumptions that others hold the same meaning about objects, symbols or icons. The assumption that you and that other person or group holds the same meanings to be true does not promote understanding. Cultural norms are often believed to be universal by many and when they encounter others that are deviating from expected behavior the person can be insulted and altercations…read more


How different groups are portrayed in the media

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

The portrayal of certain groups (i.e. older people, Asians and women) in the media influence other’s perceptions by the use of stereotypes, which lead to cultural misunderstandings. Earlier on we touched on the female and male portrayals in the media and how the conflicting picture created by those portrayals creates dissonance due to the unrealistic examples that individuals have to try and reach. The more we continue to propagate the stereotypes and depict certain groups in particular frames the more we propagate that image and create a reference frame for…read more


Developing a campaign

Posted by in Advertising, Communication, Communications, Public Relations

               I.     Situation Analysis (SWOT): This step is assessed for both internal and external areas as needed. Strengths – Define the advantages, strengths, resources, and the unique selling point the organizations has.                                                         i.     Provides the organization with a realistic view of what is positive about them and that are occurring with competitors. Weakness – Identify areas that need improvement, should be avoided and what leads to losses.                                                         i.     Isolates areas that require attention and are a threat to the organization and also identifies the weakness of the competition….read more


Perspective of intercultural communication

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

Intercultural communication is divided into three perspectives: interpretive, critical and cultural. To better understand what it all means a we need to understand what culture is, culture is various aspects that come together to form shared cultural identity; e.g. race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, and class. As we attempt to understand intercultural communication the three aforementioned perspectives are vital as interpreters of our observations. Interpretive Perspective The interpretive perspective wants to explain behavior. The guiding assumption in the interpretive approach is that people socially interpret what is meaningful in…read more


The use of Novelas in Latin American countries

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

In Latin American countries the use of novella or tele-novellas (soap operas) can be appreciated as a pro-social use of media due to the topics and social issues raised in the storylines. The end of many of these programs is to provide social, political, economic and human rights information to a wise scale audience. The novellas are typically targeting women and young adults who make up the audience segment that is perceived to be at higher risk and propensity for unjust or unfair treatment in those countries. The audience is…read more


Cultural and social misunderstanding, how stereotypes have there way, pt 3

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

Avoiding is the deferring or discounting of the conflict in the expectation that over time the conflict situation will dissipate or resolve itself through the progression of communication or development of information. By avoiding we are able to allow communication to proceed and other unknown factors to be exposed that allow us to better understand or come to a consensus. The use of competition allows for those involved to create close group affiliations, come to understanding over the shared experience and also to work together towards that end result. Competition…read more


Men and women in the media

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

Men and women are portrayed in very specific and re-occurring ways in the media. First we can look at how men are presented to understand the consequences and challenges raised by such portrayals. Media Portrayal of Males In the media a male is represented as stoic, strong, emotionless, leader, physically youthful and muscular and as an authoritative figure that exhumes high levels of influence. Males are also depicted as over women and in the role of protectors of women who are unable to protect themselves. The image presented sounds pretty…read more


Metamorphosis of the media

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

The news was once a part of the media that provide information, hard news and education to the public. It is how people find out what is going on around them socially, politically and economically. If there are threats or dangers to a community the media would inform them however, all of this has started to change as news outlets turn to entertainment and filling the demand for advertisement and ratings as opposed to covering hard news. The news are turning into something called info-tainment in which a small amount…read more


A discussion on the Truth campaign

Posted by in Advertising, Communication, Communications, Derivations, Public Relations

Then, discuss The Truth (http://www.thetruth.com) campaign in terms of what should have been done at each step in the campaign planning process (situation analysis, research, etc.—all the steps that you had to do for your Campaigns proposal for Dr. Guerra).                I.         Situation Analysis (SWOT): The American Legacy Foundation who runs the campaign was founded under the terms of the Master settlement agreement between the US tobacco companies and 46 states and 5 territories. Their position is rather unique as funding directly came from the tobacco companies. Furthermore, key areas…read more


Cultural and social misunderstanding, how stereotypes have there way, pt 1

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

Stereotypes are created by our need to lump information together to assist in our understanding and sense making of the world and the people around us. Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2010) posit that the manner in which we perceive those around us has a direct impact on the way that we communicate with them and vise-versa. The communication between us changes based on those perceptions, the language we use, the topics, the manner of speaking and the way that we adapt to the new…read more


A Presentation on Digital marketing for startups

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Public Relations

For those of you who are interested in some tips for start-ups, go get-etters, or entrepreneurs Dave Knox put together a nice presentation with some basic and interesting material. Look it over and share your thoughts. Digital marketing for startups View more presentations from Dave Knox  


Public relations and social media: Is this a relationship made to last?: PRSA

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

{Frankly, SEO’s high ranking surprised me, while the consistency with which Twitter, Facebook and blogs were given a 10, 9 or 8 makes it clear that right now they are the big three for PR. A “connected media ecosystem”] The vast growth that social media has enjoyed over the last three years has been immense and within the shadow of its growth we have seen an ecosystem of services and servicers develop as well. Those whom understand that the social media took kits are an important aspect to incorporate into the…read more


Proactive public relations via purpose-built publishing: PRSA

Posted by in Communication, Derivations

“Purpose-built publishing isn’t limited to the written word. It includes audio and video broadcasts as well. Creativity, regardless of format, best distinguishes success.” As a communicator the purpose we are venturing on is to provide a message to our audience. Their purpose to the actions we are undertaking, but what we see in a lot of the modern messages is the only creation or creativity without reason. Now I am not one to say stop and do not be creative but I also do not want you to waste my…read more


Cognitive Dissonance Theory The American Work Place, A Modern Day Indenturement

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

The American worker is unable to leave from a job that is underpaid, negative or detrimental to their emotional well being because of the high risks the current economical and political climate expose them to, American workers must seek to justify their commitment to their disliked jobs by adjusting their attitudes, compromising or self-justifying their situation. Cognitive dissonance theory enhances the understanding of this behavior as developed by Leon Festinger; American workers in order to minimize emotional dissonance redefine their cognitive description of their work place and submit to modern day indenturement.
Cognitive dissonance theory develops the idea of the American workers in reducing their dissonance have a motivational drive and will justify, change or place blame in order to align their emotions with their actual actions—the working situation they submit to. The theoretical explanation is significant, as often individuals believe that attitude is reflective or motivated by our actions and behavior and not the inverse.


Gidden’s structuration theory vs. Taylor’s theory of text and conversation.

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

Structuration theory as developed by Gidden’s distinguishes between systems such as small groups and structures the practices rules, norms and other resources the system makes use of to work and continue existing.  Small groups are viewed as the products of structures and also produce structures themselves. Members of the small group must follow rules that lead to the production of some sort of outcome and that outcome will eventually influence the group’s future interactions. Structuration refers to the very processes the group member’s employ. The focus goes beyond the group…read more


My professor, a normal person and what of expectancy violation theory.

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

Burgoon (1988) developed expectancy violation theory as a theory of non-verbal behavior centering on the behavioral expectations we have about others and what interactions with others should be like. The theory holds that if our expected behavior is violated outside of acceptable threshold levels our attention is diverted to that individual (arousal occurs) and the impact of the violation is evaluated by two factors. One of the factors is the assessment of the person commuting the violation and if it is an individual whom has a high communicator reward valence…read more


Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Purchases

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

Festinger’s Cognitive dissonance theory places emphasis on the ways in which behavior influences attitude. Individuals have a need for consistency between their attitude and behavior. In the context of the scenario of having purchased a car and after the fact coming across another which I like better, because I have already purchased a vehicle and am tied to that purchase cognitive dissonance theory predicts that I would adjust my attitude to be in line with my action or behavior of having purchased the car I like less. I would begin…read more