Iván Silva

Important processes in cognitive theories of communication.

Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

Constructivism: The cognitive processes that precede communication are the focus of constructivist theory. It is important to understand the influence human perception plays in the skillful production and interpretation of socially influential messages. Theory argues that human cognitive systems can be defined as construct systems; cognitive complexity, varying construct domains, levels of construct differentiation and the interpersonal construct system which are the overarching domains of construct systems. While people make sense of the world through constructs serving as the basic building blocks of cognitive organization they can also be joined…read more


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Posted by in Communication, Derivations, Theory

Schema theory suggests that humans are active processors of information. Every waking moment we are exposed to different stimulus and we make decisions on how to respond and not respond; but if each of those were looked at individually without making reference to prior experience it would be difficult to understand or build a knowledge base. The development of our knowledge and teaching foundations rely on schematic processing and thinking.