Vocabulary Activities in Dual Enrollment Speech Communication with Diffit

Vocabulary plays a critical role in understanding course material in my Introduction to Speech Communication and Interpersonal Communication courses. Using Diffit, I can generate vocabulary activities that help students learn essential communication terms while reinforcing their practical applications.

Vocabulary acquisition is crucial for academic success, and research has shown that differentiated vocabulary activities enhance student retention and understanding (Graves, 2006). With Diffit, I can quickly create activities that are tailored to the varying proficiency levels in my dual enrollment classes. These activities help students engage with the material more effectively, whether they are learning about rhetorical strategies or interpersonal dynamics. Students can complete the activities digitally or use printed copies, depending on their preferences and learning needs.

Diffit’s versatility in creating differentiated materials has allowed me to better support my students’ vocabulary development. Enhance your lesson planning with Diffit—automatically create differentiated learning materials in seconds! Sign up using my referral link here and experience the ease of personalized instruction.


  • Graves, M. F. (2006). The vocabulary book: Learning and instruction. Teachers College Press.

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