Looking for free, printable Math Games for centers or math…

Posted by in Education, math, math games, math resources

Looking for free, printable Math Games for centers or math class?Then Dr. Mikes Math Games for Kids is the site for you.

#mathchat #elemchat #spedchat #printables #mathgames

Awesome site!

There are so many printable games here that will get a huge thumbs up from students as well as teachers, once kids start playing these games, they can use video games with moderation, Find Out Here how. Games have descriptions, directions and some even have videos to show you how to use them.

Screenshot with descriptions of two games.


Below is a screenshot of the menu so you can see how the site is organized and it’s categories.


There are many online games too. I checked out a few and can’t wait to go back. If you get a chance to look at Sugar Sugar, you will be delighted you did. It’s a fun geometry game kids will enjoy.

Added to  Marvelous Math Sites

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