Posted by in 2.0, Cool to me!, Education, librarianchat, TLChat, Twitter, TwitterChat

Can’t wait for this:

So hopefully I’ll see you there. Read more details here.  Just in case you didin’t already know, my Twitter handle is CathyJo.  I will follow librarians, just so ya know.

Is Twitter really worth my time?

Many of my friends scoff at Twitter as a helpful program for Professional Development. Often they lament that it is confusing and they don’t see the value.  Well, if you are looking for a way to find value, come lurk tomorrow night at 8PM EST and see just how it can be useful to you.  You don’t even have to have a account to lurk, just search for the #TLCHAT hashtag in Twitter.


No Twitter account means no way to join in, and I really think once you began lurking, you are going to want to get in to the conversation.  So go on over to Twitter and create your free account! It’s only useful IF you cultivat a network of like minded peeps AND find valuable resources, like this opportunity tomorrow night.  Come on–get in the game!!

Picture attribution:
Pictures are screenshots from my own Twitter search and from